Country: Brasil
City: Sorocaba
Address: AV. Itavuvu, 11.777
Phone number: +55 15 34166160
General e-mail: inova@inovasorocaba.org.br
Name: Flavio Guerhardt
Position: Innovation Director
Phone number: +55 15 34166166
E-mail: flavio.guerhardt@inovasorocaba.org.br
The city of Sorocaba has 700.000 inhabitants and is a vibrant industrial and business-oriented city. With 14 universities/colleges and more than 50k students, the city GDP is the 19th bigger in Brazil and the 8th in São Paulo State.
The Sorocaba Technology Park (STP) has 40 companies, 8 university labs and25 startups covering energy, mobility, IoT/Ind4.0 and Health sectors.
The STP has 12km² of building and 120 hectares of land to be leased for companies and R&D institutions.
The park provides Congress Center, Labs, Restaurant, Cafe, Gym, Co-working and meeting rooms.
Product Development
Technology transfer
Partnership University – Company
Funding for PD & I
Incentives and tax benefits to innovation
Legal advice
Intellectual property
Project development