Country: Colombia
City: Bogotá
Address: CLL 90 #87 – 69
Web: www.uniminuto.edu
Phone number: +57 1 5933004
General e-mail: parqueinnovacion@uniminuto.edu
Name: Miguel Ángel González Palacios
Position: Dirección Plataforma de Proyectos
Phone number: +57 3164764283
E-mail: mgonzalezap@uniminuto.edusocial
Skype id: miguelgon2000
The mission of the PCIS is to promote science-based social innovation, by articulating researchers and communities in projects where governments, companies, municipalities of Cundinamarca, universities, donors and community members work together towards the solution of social problems.
The PCIS has co-creation spaces, specialized lay environments, incubation spaces and educational development.
We have Hydraulic and Piping Laboratory, Construction Materials Laboratory, Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Soil Laboratory, Pavement Laboratory, Chemistry and Thermodynamics Laboratory, Electronics Laboratory, Interconnectivity and Networks Laboratory, Ergonomics Laboratory, Health and Occupational Safety, Laboratory of Methods and Times, Cisco Academy, Logistics Laboratory, Modeling Laboratory, 3D and Digital Animation, Covi Laboratory, Dolby audio laboratory and folie recording studio, multiplite mixing, The finalization laboratory and video edition coloring 3D, Editing Room, Multiple Room and meeting room, co-creation spaces, lego laboratories and office spaces.
Project Articulation Services:
Information Services:
Pedagogical services