Country: Brazil
City: São José dos Campos
Address: Avenida Doutor Altino Bondensan, 500 – Distrito de Eugênio de Melo 12247 – 016 – São José dos Campos / SP – Brasil
Web: www.pqtec.org.br
Phone number: +55 (12) 3878 – 9500
General e-mail: rodrigo.mendes@pqtec.org.br
Name: Rodrigo Mendes
Position: International Business Development
Phone number: +55 (12) 9917 – 76229
E-mail: rodrigo.mendes@pqtec.org.br
Skype ID: mendesrodrigo
Free of charge orientation and support on:
Subsidised fees on Business Consulting regarding to:
Legal Advice
Solutions in RD & I (Laboratories)
Communication and Marketing
Brands and patents
Planning and Process Management
HR and People Management
Supply Chain
An environment of convergence focused on competitiveness and sustainable development – this is the São José dos Campos Technology Park, which houses three business incubators, four business centres, two Local Clusters, four technology development centres, three multi-user laboratories, a business office, six partner universities and three entrepreneurial galleries.
Altogether there are more than 300 companies linked to the park:
51 Resident companies – small, medium and large (anchors);
36 Incubated companies – microenterprises and start-ups;
94 Companies associated with Aerospace and Defense Cluster;
67 Associated with TICVale – ICT Cluster;
26 Small companies in Entrepreneur’s Galleries (minishoppings);
04 Institutes of science and technology;
05 Teaching and research institutes;
03 Entities of civil society;
04 Technology Development Centres;
03 Companies located in ZEPTec (TechPark Special Zone)
The park has contracts and partnerships to raise funds with Finep, APEX, ABDI, Sebrae, SDECTI-SP, BNDES. And it has cooperation agreements with the aerospace clusters of Canada, Sweden, England, the Netherlands, as well as two technology parks and Chinese government institutions.
The core area totals 188 thousand square meters, which is the central part of the TechPark Special Zone (Zeptec) project area with a total of 2,500 hectares. The built area keeps growing, with the permanent construction of new buildings to house companies, laboratories and universities.
Since its inception, the Park has raised a total investment of R$ 2.10 billion. The public resources (R $ 449 million) come from the municipal government of São José dos Campos, the State of São Paulo Government and the Brazilian federal government. Private investments totalled R$ 1.6 billion.
Consistent with the city characteristics, the Technology Park houses important companies in the aerospace sector. However, it is not a exclusive aerospace park: there are companies from various segments of the economy, such as automotive, energy, oil and gas, health, textiles, ICT and transportation, among others.
Business Centres
The business centres total 39 thousand square meters of floor space. In Centres I and II there are SME´s; in Centres III and IV (recently opened), companies and large institutions.
The Park offers these companies physical space and basic infrastructure to house their facilities and personnel. It also offers management training services and networking opportunities with other companies, research institutions and funding agents.
Technology Development Centres
One feature of the São José dos Campos Technology Park is its four Technology Development Centres (TDC´s). Each TDC has a company or anchor institution, which presents technological demands to be developed by the other members of the respective TDC (other companies and research institutions).
Centres already installed or in the process of being installed are:
– Centre for Technology Innovation in Health (CITS);
– Centre for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Multimedia (CDTIC);
– Centre for Technology Development of Aeronautics (CDTA);
– Technology Development Centre for Construction and Urban Development (CDTCC).
Real Estate Management
To contribute to the companies in their efforts for innovation and competitiveness, the Park prioritizes investments and establishes partnerships in the construction and installation of multiuser research laboratories.
Three laboratories are in operation:
– Light Structures Laboratory;
– Laboratory of Simulation and Critical Systems;
– Advanced Manufacturing Development Centre;
Two others are being projected:
– Laboratory of Compatibility and Electromagnetic Interference;
– Laboratory of Digital Manufacturing and Virtual Prototyping.
University Park
One of the purposes of the Technology Park is to promote the approximation between higher education and innovative entrepreneurship. To favour this environment there is an area of 760 thousand square meters, destined to educational institutions, called Parque das Universidades. In this area, there are already two campuses of the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp) and the Technology College (Fatec). Two other Universities work in buildings inside the TechPark buildings – the Paulista State University (Unesp) and the Anhembi Morumbi University (UAM). Altogether, these institutions add up to a community of five thousand people, among teachers, students and researchers that circulate daily in the park areas.
Soon, units of the National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI) and of the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) will be installed. There is also a partnership with the University of Vale do Paraíba (Univap), which operates outside the Technological Park area.
Business Incubator and Accelerator
The Business Incubator of the Technology Park offers the possibility of pre-incubation in a co-working system, a phase that precedes the incorporation of the company. The goal is to house new businesses that stand out as innovative and promising in the market. The great attraction is the business environment and collaboration network provided to the new entrepreneur, transforming projects and ideas into new companies and contributing to the economic development of the region.
The Technology Park is also responsible for the management of the Municipal Incubator Program, which includes the Aeronautical Technological Base Incubator (INCUBAERO), located in the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA) and the Technology Incubator of Univap, which operates on the campus of this university.
Local Strategic Clusters – (Local Productive Arrangement – APL)
Currently, there are two clusters that develop and coordinate programs aimed at generating opportunities for new businesses and in the companies’ capacity to foster competitiveness, innovation and the sustained growth of productive chains.
The Information and Communication Technology Cluster – TICVale was created in 2011 and today brings together 77 companies that work in the development of hardware, software and IT services, focusing on retail, smart cities and industry 4.0. This cluster seeks to provide a friendly environment for technology development and continuous process, aligned with market practices, and provide permanent training to manage products and services recognized as world-class solutions. It also encourages the implementation of best practices in management and people management to support the growth of member companies.
It was formed in 2009 and brings together 92 companies from the aerospace and defence sectors. Its anchor company is Embraer. In all, there are 23 thousand jobs and annual revenues of the US $ 7 billion. Most companies operate in consulting, engineering, services, manufacturing and defence and security.
At Brazilian Aerospace Cluster there are companies from six Brazilian states; most of them (60%), however, is based in São José dos Campos (SP), some within the Technology Park.
Several benefits are offered by the Brazilian Aerospace Cluster to associated companies, such as participation in national and international fairs, trade missions, business roundtables, consortium formation. And there are programs aimed at internationalization, training and certification.
Business Office
It aims to collaborate with companies to help them in their development with the market. For this, among other services, offers advice in the elaboration of proposals for raising financial resources in innovation projects; advisory services in product development and engineering; and support in the formation of key competences for the competitive insertion SMEs in the market. It also offers advice on patenting and trademark registration, marketing advice, logistics and continuous improvement, among other services. The Business Office administers and finances projects, as well as accountability, planning, execution, monitoring and control in various types of initiatives. The services of the Business Office can also be provided to companies not linked to the Technology Park.
Entrepreneur Galleries Program
Coordinated by the Secretariat of Innovation and Economic Development of São José dos Campos City Government, this program is administered by the Technology Park, which selects the entrepreneurs, removing them from informality, and constantly empowers them for the success of their businesses. Called «minishopping», the Entrepreneur Galleries are shopping centres that foster socio-economic entrepreneurship in vulnerable neighbourhoods far from city centre. They work in commerce and services, such as stationery shops, clothing stores and beauty salons, among others. Offering economic development and social impact for the neighbourhood.