Country: Spain
City: Castellón de la Plana
Address: Building ESPAITEC1. Campus del Riu Sec. Av. Sos Baynat, no number, 12071
Web: espaitec.uji.es.en
Phone number: +34 964 38 73 90
General e-mail: espaitec@espaitec.uji.es
Name: Juan Antonio Bertolín
Position: Managing Director
Phone number: +34 964 38 73 86
E-mail: juan.bertolin@espaitec.uji.es
Skype id: jabertolin
Espaitec is the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón. An innovative area made up of technology-based companies and organisations that work in different economic sectors to contribute in a quantified and acknowledged fashion to the socio-economic development in the province of Castellón, and also to the diversification of its business fabric through innovation.
Since 2007, we have created a reference environment in the province of Castellón which intends to host, support and promote, and help develop entrepreneurship and business initiatives with a strong innovation component and high qualification and to facilitate the transfer of technology between the University and the Industry, and to act as an acknowledged delegate in the innovation field.
In short, it is an area of the Universitat Jaume I where experimentation can be done through innovation; create new professional opportunities by generating technology-based companies; bring talents and disciplines together; promote 360º innovation as a way of life; generate wealth through transferring knowledge to society.
Currently, Espaitec, Science and Technology Park of the University Jaume I is managed by Fundació General de la UJI (General Foundation of the Univesity Jaume I)
Installed on the Riu Sec Campus and directly linked to the Universitat Jaume I, Espaitec offers a unique environment in the province of Castellón to take the knowledge generated at the University to the Castellón business fabric. Forming part of Espaitec is belonging to a world filled with facilities and conveniences, not only to entrepreneurship and innovation, but also for making the day-to-day of companies and their workers easier, and both professionally and personally.
The science, technology and business park of the Universitat Jaume I has buildable land that covers 117,593.50 m2. The three existing buildings also have a developed area that covers 48,765 m2 distributed into several plots ready to install innovative companies and leading research centres. These areas are for technological use and for R&D and innovation activities. Plots to host R&D&I centres, companies in the technology sector and Hi-Tech services companies.
The main added value services provided by Espaitec are focused on the concept “Long Way Companion” by means of periodical follow-up meetings in order to identify the main business processes bottlenecks and provide the appropriate solution. Some of those solutions could be coped with the following approaches: