City: Bizkaia
Address: Bizkaia Science & Technology Park
Web: www.parke.eus
Phone number: +34 944039500
General e-mail: bizkaia@parke.eus
Name: Cristina Andrés Urarte
Position: Innovation Manager
Phone number: +34 944039500
E-mail: candres@parke.eus
Skype ID: cristinaptb
For rent:
Available spaces: 90 – 3.000 m²
Monthly price:
Purchase of plots:
Available land for construction of own buildings: from 2,500 m² (1,400 m² available to build) to 25,000 m² (15,000 m² available to build)
Price: 480 €/m² built
Purchase of office spaces:
Available premises: 90-3000 m²
Price: 2,200 €/m²
Services in the park:
Teh companies integrated in this technology complex have an unbeatable provision of constantly evolving and up-dated services: from all types of general services, such as security, maintenance, hotel and catering and leisure, to the most advanced professional services for businesses in telecommunications, support and promotion of research, development and innovation, cooperation, specialised training and incubation of new technology based companies.
General service:
Telecommunications infrastructure:
The Technology Park also has the most up-to-date installations for the organisation of all types of congresses, conferences and symposiums.
Bizkaia Science and Technology Park was the first Technology Park in Spain, created in 1985, and is internationally recognised as a model of success. It gathers together 226 research centres, technology centres, innovation developers and a good selection of the most advanced and cutting edge organisations in the Basque Country from innovative sectors with potential for development. With a staff of nearly 9000 highly qualified people, it represents a reference point for researchers in the most prominent industrial sectors, providing an excellent location in quality, sustainable environments.
Parque Tecnológico- Teknologi Elkartegia, S.A., which is the headquarters of Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, is a public company attached to the Basque Government’s Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. Its partners are the: Society for Competitive Transformation, Spri (67,26%); Provincial Council of Bizkaia (18,02%); Azpiegiturak (11,82%); and University of the Basque Country (2,62%); and Zamudio Town Council (0,28%).
The Bizkaia Technology Park’s mission is to decisively contribute to technological development and innovation in Bizkaia, in a sustainable way, encouraging the exchange of knowledge and transfer of technology between businesses, technology agents and universities, promoting the creation and growth of innovating businesses and offering top quality installations and added value services. The Park´s vision is defined in its consolidation as a benchmark in business innovation and technological development in the Basque Country and as an international model.
Thus, the Park should act in the vanguard of innovation, belonging to networks, and promoting technology and knowledge transfer, to continue to be a benchmark in the introduction and development of technologically advanced businesses. In this way, it can continue to be a benchmark in the future, contributing to increasing the competitive edge of the businesses and providing society with added value.
Thirty years after their creation, Bizkaia Science and Technology Park has become a well-established reality which is moving towards a new spatial and multi-campus layout, integrating the different scientific, technology and innovation agents that operate in the Basque Country and constantly adapting the strategies, objectives and available tools to lead the innovation processes. Human capital is a fundamental asset in the design of this new model of park, which is more competitive and forward-looking.