Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia

Association for the Development of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia (ACTP RF) is a leading non-governmental business membership organization which is a network of over 110 organisations of technological and industrial infrastructure, such as Technology Parks, Special Economic Zones, Nanotechnology Centres, Science Parks, Regional Development Corporations, Clusters (i.e. more than 3,000 industrial enterprises and 215,000 specialists, €10.8 billion of total revenue, 0.8% Russia’s GDP) with the aim of improvement of social, economic development and fulfillment of scientific, industrial potential of Russia, Our mission is to contribute to sustainable development of the territories with preferential taxation regime and industrial clusters.

The Association provides a dialogue between the business community and the federal and regional authorities, Development Institutions. ACTP RF provides expert and analytical support for the creation and accreditation of Industrial Technology Parks, Industrial Clusters, Special Economic Zones, consulting assistance; ACTP RF holds the business missions, strategic sessions, seminars in the Russian regions and abroad on creation / development of Special Economic Zones, Technology Parks, Clusters, helping identify the core potential investment projects.


Over 110 organisations of technological and industrial infrastructure in 51 out of 85 Russian regions, including more than 3,000 industrial enterprises and 215,000 specialists, €10.8 billion of revenue, 0.8% Russia’s GDP.


  • Assistance to companies in attracting foreign investment, advanced technology transfeR, penetrating the foreign markets, and in developing of cooperation networks.
  • Consultancy in creation of Special Economic Zones, Technology Parks, Industrial Clusters.
  • Helping identify the core potential industrial investment projects in accordance with cross-sectoral particularities.
  • Expert and analytical support for the creation and accreditation of technology parks, industrial clusters.
  • Organising of business missions, strategic sessions, seminars on creation / development of Special Economic Zones, Technology Parks, Industrial Clusters in Russia and abroad.

Contact details

Mr. Andrey Shpilenko, Director, ACTP RF

Web page:

Phone: +7 ( 499 ) 277-00-04 (multi-channel)

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