Esadecreapolis Softlanding




Park information:

Country: Spain

City: Sant Cugat del Vallès

Address: Av. de la Torre Blanca, 57


Phone Number +34 93 55 43 000



Contact person:

Name: Esteve Nadal

Position: MKT Manager

Phone Number: +34 93 55 43 000




Soft landing Facilities and Services:

  • Offices (m2) 60m2 to 500m2
  • 8 Meeting Rooms
  • Specific R&D infrastructures: Fab Lab, Decision Lab, Design Factory
  • Services
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General Information


ESADE Creapolis is an innovation center promoted by ESADE Business School. It is an ecosystem with the aim to inspire, facilitate and accelerate the innovation processes of the companies who participate in it.  This ecosystem is made up of large companies and SMEs with innovation as a guide of their activity, start-ups in the process of growth, experienced entrepreneurs and international academics and students. ESADE Creapolis, above all, is at the service of ESADE Business School to become the link between the innovation system and the business world. One of the natural gateways to ESADE knowledge and capabilities.

The campus is located beside the Collserola Natural Park, in Sant Cugat del Vallès, 20 minutes away from Barcelona. The area is surrounded by business activity, industry, universities and other Research Parks, such as PRUAB or Park del Alba.


ESADE was aware of the eventual need for larger and improved premises so it opened the 18,601m² Sant Cugat Campus with office spaces and facilities such as this auditorium in 2009. Video 


We consider ourselves as a true innovation ecosystem, delivering connectivity (connections) and state of the art methodologies to identify and face the competitive challenges of the economic fabric.

To keep this ecosystem alive, ESADE Creapolis organizes networking activities and events, workshops, contents and specialized support. ESADE Creapolis combines the facilities of Sant Cugat with its open ecosystem to offer its services, expanding its geographic reach and adapting to the need of the companies.

Since innovation happens when an economic transaction is reached, firms are at the core of any innovation ecosystem. In fact: innovation means “bringing new ideas into the market” (and that is merely done by companies).

Therefore: we help identify winning strategies and models for the firms to become more competitive.

We are a small team, focused on delivering state of the art methodologies that can be directly applied to our clients’ strategies, business models and internal processes

Our methodologies are useful because we join forces with knowledge arising from ESADE and an extensive network of partner experts (and from every corner of the ecosystem).

Two separate lines of activities:

    • Innovation club: CEOs from a variety of firms get together; innovation best practices exchanges, etc.
    • Branding forum: challenges around branding and reputation of firms
    • Corporate venturing and entrepreneurship
    • We have our own incubation and acceleration program, where we nurture 20 start-ups a year (half of them being technology based)
  • OPPORTUNITIES – VERTICAL: Health, retail, tourism, smart cities
    • Specific sectors in which we have partnered external experts and companies to develop sectorial insights and expertise, to find new business opportunities, and create new projects to solve them.

At the end of the day, we provide:

  • Spaces that inspire innovation
  • Services to improve skills and identify opportunities to enable innovation projects and competitiveness for our clients

New project: Rambla of innovation.

The Rambla of Innovation at ESADE Sant Cugat features various laboratories and other spaces that combine education with innovation and experimentation, allowing you to participate in idea generation and product creation processes, begin your own business project, and even 3D-print the product of the future.

Land in this Park