SinFin Energy: technology transfer from the mile of knowledge


Gijón Science and Technology Park

SinFin Energy, a company specialising in the development of technologies for the promotion of micro-hydraulic uses, with registered offices in the Gijón Science and Technology Park, is presenting itself to the public.

Last May, the website of a new technology-based company was published: SinFin Energy, focused on the development of micro-hydraulic systems and the implementation of technological solutions for the intelligent use of this renewable energy in micro-hydraulic networks.

SinFin Energy is presented as an entity that works both at the engineering level, developing and promoting the micro-use project, and at the technology level, undertaking the development of the turbines and prescribing the necessary equipment at the appropriate cost, and finally at the systems level, guiding and facilitating the intelligent use of the energy generated.

SinFin Energy is formed by a team with extensive experience in the development of renewable systems that is organized around four companies that form the links of the entire value chain necessary to address a microuse in an integrated manner: Alusín Solar, a company expert in the prospection and identification of renewable micro projects at the international level, Vitruvio, expert consulting engineers in civil works, Industrial Tactics, mechanical industrial engineering, and Itresa, electrical engineering and control.

Sinfín Energy, taking advantage of all these synergies, has managed, since its launch last March, to launch several projects with different companies and public administrations.

As an example, in our closest environment, SinFin Energy, together with the Construction Engineering Area of the University of Oviedo, has set in motion the development and promotion of a demonstration space associated with the Science and Technology route in the Atlantic Botanical Garden of Gijón, where work is being carried out on the integration of renewable energies in urban landscape environments, with several demonstration areas along the route of the hydraulic mills.

In addition, the company has several projects under way with Solvay in Torrelavega to develop micro-hydraulic systems that make the discharge of the energy generated into the grid compatible with other uses on the micro-grid. The company's star product is the HIDROTORNILLO©, which bases its operation on the Archimedes Screw, a millennial ingenuity that, in its inverse mode of operation, allows the capture of energy dissipated in small waterfalls, and which SinFin Energy has identified as the most appropriate hydraulic micro-use technology for jumps of less than 5 metres.

Its philosophy of integration with the environment has allowed it to achieve the status of Fish-Friendly, providing a safe and respectful environment with the existing ichthyyofauna, putting energy at the service of society, with an approach based on nature and the use of resources that it provides us.

To find out all the news about SinFin Energy, you can visit their website:
