Science and technology parks, as places where the most innovative companies in the country are concentrated, must know how to anticipate and know the new waves of innovation and the impact they can have on the business fabric and the socioeconomic environment in general, in order to be able to inform and advise the entities they host about them.
The duration of these new waves is much shorter than the immediately previous ones and so on, so they overlap one another. In this way, when we are already starting to become familiar with a group of technologies, new ones emerge that may even change the way we work, relate or live.
The capacity to anticipate new scientific and technological developments is therefore limited to the possibilities of having as direct a contact and knowledge as possible of the source of these new technologies.
That is why, from the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain, we are very focused on getting involved and collaborating in all those initiatives that may represent a new scientific and technological paradigm, such as, for example, the initiative to develop the first national network of Blockchain. As a result of these collaborations, we want our members and their entities to be able to participate and collaborate in the development of these new technologies.
In addition, the XV International Conference of APTE, which we recently held in San Sebastian, revolved around an in-depth reflection on the technologies currently being developed by the companies in the parks and which will be a reality from 2020 onwards. In this way, we have been able to learn a little more about the impact that these can have on our environment, and above all, and most importantly, what new business opportunities they can mean for companies and entities located in science and technology parks.
However, the work of monitoring technological change must be constant over time and must be carried out with the ability to discern between what can really add value and what is only a passing fad.
This support to the parks in their work as lookouts will undoubtedly be one of the objectives of APTE for the coming year 2018, which we hope will be full of new opportunities and successes for all of you.