Parque Científico de Murcia

Park: Parque Científico de Murcia

Member type: Full member

Address: Complejo de Espinardo, Edificio Parque Científico. Carretera de Madrid (Salida 135C). Km 388. 30100 Espinardo

Province: Murcia

Autonomous community: Región de Murcia

Phone: 968277830

Fax: 968277831



Parque Científico de Murcia

José Manuel Ruiz López - Park Manager

Constitution date:

Technical data:

The Murcia Science Park (PCM) currently has a total of 21 companies located in its facilities, distributed among the 3 buildings that make up the park. Through its work, the PCM contributes to promoting the Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy for Sustainability of the Region of Murcia (RIS4 Region of Murcia), which pursues the consolidation of a new economic development structure based on knowledge, research, innovation and competitiveness in key productive sectors, such as ICT and bio-agrofood, among others.

Estrategia de Investigación, Innovación y Sostenibilidad para la Especialización Inteligente de la Región de Murcia (RIS4Mur).

Infraestructures and Spaces

The PCM is located at the Campus of the University of Murcia (UM), within a privileged environment that favours the transfer of technology and knowledge between the scientific and business worlds, sharing space with more than 35 research centres and faculties of different specialties of the UM, as well as with the European Business and Innovation Centre in Murcia (CEEIM).

The PCM has a surface area of 7,500 m2, divided into 4 buildings, with some 4,000 m2 destined to provide services to companies, including the modules where the companies are housed, the assembly hall, meeting rooms, creativity room and the kitchen/dining room.

Support Services to park entities

Company accommodation. Company accommodation. The PCM offers, as its main activity, a space for renting distributed in modules of different sizes in order to locate offices and laboratories, for scientific and technological entrepreneurs who lead projects with a high level of innovation and a low percentage of mortality. This area of 3,800 m2 is dedicated to companies from different sectors of activity, within the scope of RIS4 Region of Murcia, and it also locates the Data Centre and the PCM offices.

Collaborative spaces. The PCM maintains this special space, about 150 m2, to promote work in a “coworking” format where collaboration with other developers will boost the projects that are launched through a collaborative spirit.

Other services:

  • Business consulting/advice.
  • Full management and maintenance of the offices.
  • Telecommunications services.
  • Common spaces for meetings, workshops and events.
  • Housing for external companies.
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