Parc Científic de la Universitat de València

Park: Parc Científic de la Universitat de València

Member type: Full member

Address: Calle Catedrático Agustín Escardino, 9 46980 – Paterna (Valencia) Edifici Beatriu Civera (Quinta planta) Calle Serpis, 29, 46022 Valencia

Province: València

Autonomous community: Comunidad Valenciana

Phone: 963 544 758

Fax: 963 543 829



Parc Científic de la Universitat de València

Pedro Carrasco Sorlí - Manager

Constitution date:

Technical data:

Biotechnology, Medicine and Health; Information and Communication Technologies; Energy and Environment; Advanced Services; and Industrial, Materials and Nanotechnology are the five areas of work that bring together the majority of the more than 1,500 professionals working in this scientific-academic and business space, most of them with Ph.D and Master Degrees.

Infraestructures and Spaces

The PCUV currently has 13 buildings and infrastructures: 9 for Research Institutes and Singular Centers and 5 for business use (a business incubator and four corporate housing buildings with offices, desks and laboratories, as well as common use rooms):

  • Offices and laboratories from 15 m2.
  • 3 business incubators (“semilleros”).
  • 1 nursery.
  • Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV).
  • Institute of Robotics and Information Technology (IRTIC).
  • Cavanilles Institute for Biodiversity and Evolutive Biology (ICBiBE).
  • Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol).
  • Institute of Particle Physics (IFIC)–UV/CSIC.
  • Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I²SysBio) –UV/CSIC.
  • Institute of Agrochemistry and Food
  •         Technology (IATA) –CSIC.
  • Astronomical Observatory of University of Valencia (OA).
  • Image Processing Laboratory (LPI).

Support Services to park entities

Scientific services:

  • Central Support Service for Experimental Research.
  • Spanish Type Culture Collection.
  • TIRANT supercomputer.

Business services:

  • 24-hour access (365 days per year).
  • Parking and access by public transport (tram and bus).
  • Corporate signage. Mail and courier distribution.
  • Maintenance, cleaning and gardening.
  • Hot/cold air conditioning.
  • Cafeteria-restaurant, canteen and vending.


- Biotechnology / ICT / Advanced services / Energy and Environment / Materials and nanotechnology

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