Tecnoparc, Parc Tecnològic i d'Innovació

Park: Tecnoparc, Parc Tecnològic i d'Innovació

Member type: Full member

Address: Avda. Bellissens, 42 (Reus)

Province: Tarragona

Autonomous community: Cataluña

Phone: 977300304

Web: https://www.redessa.cat/

Email: evicente@redessa.cat

Tecnoparc, Parc Tecnològic i d'Innovació

Constitution date: 2009

Technical data:


The 'Parque Tecnológico y de Innovación del Tecnoparc' is managed by the City Council company Reus Desenvolupament Econòmic SA (REDESSA) with an area of 165 hectares. It is focused on the ICT, nutrition/agri-food and tourism sectors.

The Tecnoparc Reus settles the headquarters of the Clúster TIC Catalunya Sud, a regional ICT business association promoted by the Reus City Council with the support of the Rovira i Virgili University, which brings together the main companies in the ICT sector located in the area.

There are 1,300 people working in the park and hosts more than 50 entities, including technology companies, startups and spin-offs.

Infraestructures and Spaces

  • REDESSA Tecno: Designed for technology-based companies, sharing space with the Trade Fair and Conventions Centre of firaReus Events.
  • REDESSA Cepid: This building hosts 300 working professionals every day, especially entrepreneurs, startups and spinoffs.

In the area adjacent to the park are the University Campus of the Rovira i Virgili University, the Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital, the Eurecat center for nutrition and health, the center for Omic Sciences and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute.

Support Services to park entities


  • Company establishment and softlanding: we accompany and advise companies on their arrival in the city.
  • Reus Living Lab: Urban innovation laboratory to detect and work on city challenges in a collaborative way and with innovative and technological tools. 
  • Incubadora TIC: Incubation and acceleration program for technology-based entrepreneurs and startups.
  • REDESSA Community: We promote synergies among the 150 companies and more than 1,300 professionals working in our centers.


- Technology / Nutrition / Health / Tourism

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