Parc de Recerca UPF

Park: Parc de Recerca UPF

Member type: Full member

Address: Edificio Mercè Rodoreda, C/ Ramón Trías, Fargas, 25-27 - 08005 Barcelona.

Province: Barcelona

Autonomous community: Cataluña

Phone: 935 422 140



Parc de Recerca UPF

Eva Martín - Head of the Research Service

Constitution date:

Technical data:

The UPF Research Park aims to promote, develop and manage large R+D initiatives in the field of human and social sciences, ICT and health and life sciences (through the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park).

Its mission is to foster the social commitment by encouraging research, innovation, transfer of knowledge results and technological progress thus becoming an agent socioeconomic dynamic between universities, governments and businesses. It is composed by more than 50 research groups and centres, is located in a downtown environment of Barcelona, next to the Ciutadella, Poblenou and Mar UPF Campuses.

Infraestructures and Spaces

The UPF Research Park is divided into two main enclaves, all of them located around the different University Campuses of the UPF itself, and also has close collaborations with other parks or entities.

The Park has innovation support infrastructures such as laboratories and facilities, auditoriums, rooms, as well as the UPF incubation spaces for Start Ups and Spin Offs linked to the university

Máximo 500 caracteres con espacio.

Support Services to park entities

The services offered by the park are:

  • Support for Innovation.
  • R&D management.
  • Patents and Valorisation.
  • Lifelong learning services.
  • Business development and Incubation.
  • Resource Centre for learning and research (CRAI).
  • Common services (auditory, meeting rooms, seminars, bar and restaurant).


- Social and Human Sciences / ICT

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