Now that 2017 is over, it's time to take stock. How has 2017 been for Espaitec and its companies and entities?
2017 has been a year of change. In January, the management of the Science, Technology and Business Park of the Universitat Jaume I (Espaitec) was entrusted to the General Foundation of the university. Thus, the management of a limited liability company formed by the Universitat Jaume I and the Confederation of Businessmen of Castellón since it came into operation in 2007 was concluded. These changes have also meant an administrative restructuring with the appointment of a new manager for the management of the Park (Juan Antonio Bertolín).
During 2017 the different actions foreseen in the strategic plan of the entity have been implemented, which ultimately aim to take full advantage of the potential of Espaitec in terms of promoting the creation and transfer of knowledge and the creation, development and consolidation of innovative projects of the university community.
What new objectives and projects will Espaitec launch in 2018?
Once, in 2017, the entrepreneurial initiatives of the university community have been directed towards the park, in 2018 the objective of increasing the number of companies linked to Espaitec and their interaction with the environment of the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón will be prioritised. To this end, we have started work on a number of key projects:
- E'joint 4 challenge: in January we launched, an online platform that aims to connect challenges posed by medium and large companies with potential solutions presented by technology-based start-ups and spin-offs, research groups, technology centres or mixed teams linked to science and technology parks nationwide.
- Fab-Living Lab: in 2018, the park's living-lab will be relaunched through two projects focusing on public health and well-being. Within the same environment, the first steps will be taken to integrate a prototyping centre (FabLab) into the park to serve as a channel for the transfer of knowledge from the university to society.
- Consolidation of the UJI Emprèn OnSocial programme: this project, launched at the end of 2017, aims to generate an environment of social and technological entrepreneurship in the university community of the Universitat Jaume I that proposes ideas and solutions to the main challenges facing society in the province of Castellón. In the first edition, 15 were the ideas presented by students who were likely to become companies after a training and mentoring phase.
What are the main barriers to the creation and development of Start ups and spin offs in the scientific field and how does Espaitec help them to overcome them?
One of the difficulties we face in this area is the de facto' barriers that exist to the university's participation in these companies in order to actively stimulate interaction with research groups and, in general, with the whole university community. In addition to the administrative processes, often long and complex, that are required for this type of collaboration, participation in companies requires continuous monitoring of their activities for which universities do not have the resources.
The role that science parks can play here is crucial. In the case of Universitat Jaume I, Espaitec works to speed up as much as possible the procedures for the creation and growth of technology-based companies arising from the university community, and is configured as the ideal entity to carry out this monitoring mentioned above. All this with the aim of favouring the growth of companies, their interaction with the university and their impact on society.
Last but not least, one of our functions to promote innovative and technology-based entrepreneurship is to contribute to the generation of an entrepreneurial climate among the university community through communication and dissemination actions.
By 2018 what trend (Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things, 3D Printing...etc.) Do you think you are going to be the protagonist in terms of entrepreneurship and the creation of start ups and spin offs in your park?
The information technology and telecommunications (ICT) sector has always been the largest volume for Espaitec in terms of turnover, job creation and R&D projects. This is due, among other factors, to the recognized trajectory of the Universitat Jaume I in this area of knowledge, with outstanding research groups and highly qualified talent.
In view of the projects developed by research groups at Jaume I University and the activities of companies such as Soluciones Cuatroochenta, The Logic Value, Entropy Factory, IoTsens and Nayar Systems, the forecast is that, during 2018, blockchain, internet of things, fintech and geolocation will be the lines that guide the development of new business projects. In fact, many of the Espaitec companies mentioned have already created new start-ups within their business project to launch new lines of business.
What advice would you give to the new generations of entrepreneurs and researchers who will be arriving in 2018 for the future?
The research carried out at the University must reach society. My advice to researchers is to encourage them to create new spin-offs and technology-based companies based on the Science and Technology Parks throughout the country.
With respect to entrepreneurs, I encourage them to always keep in mind innovation as a differentiating and facilitating element of business opportunities. Consolidated companies are increasingly looking for collaboration with start-ups of recent creation in terms of innovation, this is a reality that should not go unnoticed by entrepreneurs.
What does Espaitec offer to entrepreneurs and businessmen who cannot be found elsewhere?
Located within the Riu Sec Campus and directly linked to the Universitat Jaume I, Espaitec offers a unique environment in the province of Castellón to bring the knowledge generated at the University closer to the business world, promoting the transfer of technology and knowledge in a two-way sense. In other words, the park must serve both to bring the knowledge generated in the university environment to society and to channel the needs and challenges of that society towards the university community, so that the latter can provide solutions to the problems posed by society.
In order to make David Cabedo better known to the members of APTE, could you give us a brief curriculum presentation?
I have a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Valencia and a PhD in Business Administration and Management from the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón.
In the professional field I have worked in the commercial distribution sector as Director of the Internal Audit Department, in the field of auditing accounts, within a multinational company, and in the financial sector as General Director of Control and Administration of the Official Credit Institute and as a director of the Spanish Refinancing Company, CERSA.
I am the author of several books and scientific articles, and I currently combine my responsibilities as academic director of Espaitec with those of Professor of the University of the Department of Finance and Accounting of the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón.