Hacksalud Equilibria Gijón 2018


Gijón Science and Technology Park

At the end of June, the first meeting of professionals to design solutions in the field of health took place at the Gijón Science and Technology Park. 
HackSalud Equilibria Gijón is a project co-financed at 80% by the European Union within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund, Multiregional Operational Programme of Spain, ERDF 2014-2020. "A way to make Europe" all this through Gijón Impulsa.

The Agreement of the Hospital de Cabueñes y Gijón Impulsa has given rise to this first edition, where more than 70 challenges posed by health professionals and more than 40 professional profiles have been working together as never before.

Hacksalud Equilibria Gijón has been developed during the 12th and 13th of June from the Scientific and Technological Park. During two afternoons the challenges posed by health professionals were solved: doctors, nurses, non-healthcare personnel linked to Area V of the Hospital de Cabueñes, Primary Care and Mental Health of the municipality of Gijón, of which, after a selection according to the profiles and the feasibility of providing solutions, five were finally selected.

The joint and intensive work of people from very different fields with a common objective: the search for answers to the needs of patients and health professionals, has led to the creation of mixed groups formed by technologists, professionals with expertise in management and finance or in design, communication, marketing, engineering or user experience and health profiles.

The five challenges for which solutions have been sought are:

Report normal results to the patient via mobile/email.
Location of patients in rural environments.

Solution for those people who do not take their medication properly, due to forgetfulness, ignorance of what and when they have to take everything.
3D printing applied to diagnosis, planning and treatment.
Home fall forecaster-watcher as a solution for people who are alone.
All the participants were mentored and accompanied in the dynamics by the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Asturias Foundation, as well as by professionals from the business and health sector as support, such as Ricardo Llavona (rehabilitation and physical medicine specialist and
Biocrew Manager) and Enrique Caso (Director of FINBA - Foundation for Biosanitary Research and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias).
