APTE prepares its XVII International Conference focus on Blockchain technology


The next APTE International Conference will take place on 16 May in the Rectorate of the University of Malaga, under the auspices of Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía. 

The XVII edition will focus on blockchain technology. To this end, opinions and different perspectives on the subject will be shown. Not only will we talk about this disruptive technology at an institutional level, but the conference will offer a practical point of view with case studies of success.

Among the speakers, we will have the participation of experts on the topics and representatives of the European Commission and international Science and Technology parks.


Disruptive Technologies: Why Blockchain?

During the last few years, a set of disruptive technologies have been developed at a global level with the capacity to transform the world in which we live, either independent by themselves or threaded with each other.  

Blockchain emerges as a technology initially linked to cybercoin such as bitcoin, but day by day it becomes more a new disruptive model of transformation of economic and administrative relations that can transform many paradigms of today's society. This fact causes great enthusiasm that fosters the development of new projects and applications related to this technology.


You can now consult all the information about the event on the conference website

Check the programme here

